Bike Bingo

BicycleBenefits Businesses Members BicycleBenefits Businesses Members

Bike Bingo: What? Why? How?

Bicycle Benefits Bike Bingo 'is a Celebration of Your City by Bike.' We created the concept in 2015 as a way to get residents out biking more, exploring new places in their cities and to bring 'in-the-door' visits and visibility to supportive Bike Benefits businesses. We later found that we can also use bingo to increase participation at area bike rides, events and volunteering in the local bike scene. The feedback that we’ve received for organizing bingo has been incredible. The game will bring people to new neighborhoods, exploring new routes, to new businesses, and most importantly, it will get folks super excited about biking! The majority of those who play will fall in love with the concept and look forward to it every be careful what you start!

The game is set up like 'BINGO' though in order for participants to get 'stamped' they must ride their bicycle to a specified location or event. You can list all the participating events and Bike Benefits businesses on the front of the card in the 24 spots (center is usually 'free') OR you can list them on the back and introduce the element of chance; thus making the participants unaware of when they’ll get 'bingo'. If you set up the card as the latter, you must inform the businesses & locations where on the card they need to stamp it. One of the best things about Bike Bingo is that it’s duration is normally 4-6 weeks. As organizers, it enables us to put sustained effort into promoting an event that isn’t dependent on weather or people’s schedules.

Businesses that are already part of Bicycle Benefits are included on the card as a perk for their participation. Local rides, community assets and other local attractions can also be included as stamp locations.

We reach out to them and see if they want to be included as:

  • 1) A place where people can get their cards stamped and
  • 2) A place that will provide a prize for a completed row or a 'blacked out' card. We ask that they promote the game and vend the bingo cards ($2 or $3 is the right price) as a way to get the greatest number of residents participating and allow businesses to offset their prize giveaways by generating money on card sales. Local organizations can also raise funds through the sale of the cards. We have found that selling the cards for a nominal fee will A. Give value to the 'bike bingo' game B. Get those who pick up cards more invested in playing bingo; and thus committing to more biking.

If a business wants to offer a 'row prize' we ask that it is valued between $3-$6 and if they want to provide a 'blackout' prize, we ask that it’s $7+.

Communication is key! We give participating stamp locations a generic or custom made rubber stamp that has their business logo on it and make sure to articulate 'how it works' so their employees or staff aren’t confused when bikers come in looking to get their cards stamped. Businesses check off when prizes are redeemed to keep people from 'double dipping' on prizes. As a way to increase awareness and connectedness, when we organize bingo, we ask that all bike riding participants show their Bicycle Benefits sticker when they visit stamp locations. Another way to make the game more fun is to invite locations to engage participants at their locations. A retail shop could ask participants to try on an outfit, take a photo & tag them on social media, bike shops could ask participants to demonstrate how to fix-a-flat or a bagel shop could ask participants to roll a bagel in order to get their stamp. It’s your game and we are here to help make it successful for you. Send us your questions and we can help you create a successful bike bingo campaign.

Here’s what people have to say about Bike Benefits Bingo!

'Full completion of last year's card was one of the things that skyrocketed me into cycling, definitely looking forward to a repeat!'- William Hale

'Bike bingo is my favorite game ever in the history of the universe.'-Bry Osmonson

'This is the best thing that's happened to my summer. Kids and I were talking about it today. Gearing up for year three!'-Sarah Kennedy